Discover You

It’s all about you! There are many aspects of you, and while one area may be thriving, another could benefit from a refresher. To better understand where you might be stuck, or arears on the verge of transformation, we look at three areas of oneself. These areas can then be broken down further. In some cases we need to focus on one area to see the benefits flow. In others, we find common themes that infiltrate all areas of you.

Personal you - the essence of you. Your values, goals, roles, passions, dreams, interests, routines, and anything and everything that defines who you are.

Professional you - what you send out into the world. Your contribution, impact, skills, education, knowledge, experience, and the areas of the personal you that shine through.

Physical you - the embodiment of your world, The organization of the space you live in and how it is maintained. Diving into possessions, reacquainting with what’s been lost or discarding and passing along what no longer serves, opens up space to dive deeper into what matters to you.

Conscious coaching is geared to the individual, bringing life experiences and your current situation to the forefront before structuring self development, to promote longevity in the adoption of new practices and way of life.

Conscious Coaching

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for."

- Sean Patrick Flanery