Focused Feedback
As an unbiased third party, we can often provide a unique perspective. This insight can help determine areas within the organization that may need refinement, clarification, revamping, overhauling, or simplification.
Through active and honest discussion of goals, visions, successes, passions, challenges, and hurdles, together we determine areas to focus on. Once identified, an action plan is initiated by creating small attainable goals with reasonable time lines and measurability for tracking progress. You create your path forward through alignment with your intention.
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”
— Brené Brown
Rapid Feedback
Provide information and feedback through focused assessment. This does not require a deep dive into the organization, and can be beneficial to those looking for an outsiders first impression, or a new perspective on the message you are conveying to your audience.
Areas where focused assessments can be conducted:
property and facility condition reports
website clarity and function
document refinement and revamping
customer experience
employee engagement
food quality and presentation
“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”
— Kim Collins